Abnormal Trophoblast Invasion: The Culprit of The Major Obstetrics ProblemsSri SulistyowatiEditorialPathogenesis of preeclampsia as the consequences of the interaction failure between trophoblast and womb, mainly in the 1st trimester leads to a stress response in the placenta. This may cause poor growth and development of the villous tree, deteriorating transfer of oxygen and nutrie…
Nutrition versus Great Obstetric Syndrome: A Bridge too Far?Hermanto T. JoewonoEditorialThe term ‘the great obstetrical syndromes’ (not discrete entities, with more than one cause)1 refers to preterm labor, preterm premature rupture of membranes, preeclampsia, small for gestational age (SGA), large for gestational age (LGA), stillbirth etc. The “Great Obstetrical Syndromes” are associa…
Placenta Accrete Spectrum : Modern Obstetrics NightmareYudianto Budi SaroyoEditorialThere is an emerging condition in modern obstetrics nowadays due to increase cases of placenta accrete spectrum (PAS). The condition has become an obstetrician major problem due to high maternal morbidity and mortality.1-4 The increasing is about four-fold from 0.08% to 0.3% over the past decades. 1,2,5 Thus, …
he Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology is an official publication of the Indonesian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. INAJOG is published quarterly. submit the manuscript by logging in first.
Latar Belakang : Asuhan kebidanan komprehensif mulai dari kehamilan sampai berKB. Angka kematian ibu pada kehamilan dengan hipertensi dalam kehamilan (29,26%), perdarahan persalinan, dan perdarahan nifas. Angka kematian bayi pada bayi dengan asfiksia neonatorum (50%), dan akseptor keluarga berencana yang terendah yaitu alat kontraspsi Intra Uterine Device (IUD) (0,7%). Jumlah ibu hamil di PMB L…